Tag: ABT

Super Bowl Eats

Like most guys who wield a BBQ pit for fun, Super Sunday is a day that I cook. This year I was headed over to a neighbor’s for the game and there was to be plenty of food, so I focused on finger foods and appetizers.

With all the buzz about the Bacon Explosion this week, I decided I’d put one of those together. I also did one of my favorites and put together a batch of ABT’s. Then for something new, I did a batch of “Moinkballs”. That’ a cross between “moo” & “oink” (moo + oink = moink). They’re very easy to do . Just wrap a half a slice of bacon around a meatball, smoke, brush with BBQ sauce, and serve.

Here are some shots of my Superbowl Eats:

Bacon Explosion ready to cook:


Fresh off the cooker:


ABT’s and Moinkballs


And a few of each as they came off of the cooker:


So what did you cook on Sunday?  Drop me a line and let me know.


ABT’s or Jalapeno Poppers

When I started reading BBQ forums a few years ago, I stumbled upon an appetizer that seems to be very popular with the BBQ crowd.  They’re called Atomic Buffalo Turds or ABT’s.  It’s basically a BBQer’s version of stuffed jalapeno poppers prepared on the smoker.  For the longest time, I didn’t even attempt the recipe because my family doesn’t enjoy foods that are too spicy or hot.  That is, until this summer.  I started with sweet peppers and eventually tried jalapenos and all I can say is that I’m sorry I waited so long start cooking these.
Here’s the recipe.

  • clean 18 jalapenos by cutting off the stem and slicing them lengthwise
  • remove the seeds and ribs from inside the peppers (the more of these you leave in the pepper, the hotter the ABT will be)
  • cut a package of regular bacon in half
  • 18 peppers and a package of bacon cut in half roughly equals the same number of pepper halves and bacon pieces.
  • fill each jalapeno boat with cream cheese and wrap with a half slice of bacon (note: some folks like to put a Little Smokey sausage in each popper or some pulled pork but we like ’em plain)
  • pin the ends of the bacon together by inserting a toothpick through them and into the pepper
  • I like to dust them with a BBQ rub before putting them on the cooker
  • you can cook these direct or indirect but you want to keep the temps below 300 degrees
  • they’re done when the bacon is crisp.

Note:  I recommend using rubber gloves when handling the jalapenos.  If you don’t have rubber gloves, just remember to keep your hands away from your face (or any other sensitive area if you know what I mean)

Try them, you won’t regret it.  Heck, I’m gonna cook up a whole batch for Thanksgiving! 🙂
